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Image by Hannah Busing


We're all about practical Christianity, being the hands, feet & voice of Jesus. We use our skills and talents to serve one another in advancing the work of God in our church and community. Our active and vibrant ministry groups reinforce our mission to reach upward to God, inward to support each other, and outward to our community. What we sow will return in abundance as we plant seeds of loving service and generosity. The wise writer of Proverbs said it this way: "Whoever refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25). 

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Our Communications Ministry uses media to inspire, inform, promote, and invite the participation of their congregation and community in the life, mission, and purposes of the Church. The team oversees the Audio/ Visual, Bulletins, website, live stream, social media, Newsletters, and one-call notifications. 

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Our Elders Ministry comprises designated leaders who care for and edify the body of Christ. They are committed to leading worship services, visiting the needy, providing spiritual mentorship, and contributing to the administrative work of the church.

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Our Health Ministry promotes the principles of holistic living through various health activities and events. The goal is to encourage members and communities to pursue quality of life through health reform. It is also an entering wedge for the gospel of Jesus Christ to nonbelievers, an opportunity not to be overlooked.

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Our Community Service Ministry assists anyone in need: church members, homeless people, immigrants, and any residents of Lake County, without regard to income, race, color, national origin, religion, or handicap. Weekly services to the homeless and community include showers, breakfast, clothing, sleeping bags, blankets, toiletries, bedding, children’s toys, bus passes, Bible study, lunch, and food bags.

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Our Family Ministry equips and enriches church members with biblical principles and practical skills to sustain healthy relationships. They help families grow in love and live in harmony as the family of God. They also support families in crisis and nurture members who need healing. Our ministry is important because marriage is the nucleus of a family, and a family is the church's and society's glue.

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Our Home and School Association encourages and fosters a cooperative relationship among our students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and surrounding community churches to enhance each student's educational experience. Home and School supports various programs throughout the year through donations of time and sponsorship by the parents and community members.

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Our Hospitality Ministry provides a welcoming environment of love, acceptance, comfort, support, and care to everyone who visits to enhance their worship experience, encourage fellowship, and help build a community of believers.

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Our Music Ministry serves Christ with a spirit of excellence. We uplift and encourage the body of Christ through song and worship. We prayerfully choose musical selections to create an atmosphere of reverence and worship and tune the hearts and minds to God.

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Our Prayer Ministry conducts prayer sessions and helps lead church members to an active prayer life. We meet weekly at noon to pray for the various needs that arise. Because human efforts or strategies do not solely determine the work of God but are rooted in our dependence on God's wisdom and power, standing in the gap through prayer is necessary.

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Our Men’s Ministry seeks to build strong Christ-like men who lead their families well and disciple others. We desire men to connect, grow, and serve in devotion, doctrine, relationships, and service.

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Our Pathfinder club is a church-centered recreational and spiritual program for boys and girls, grades 4 through 10. The program offers action, adventure, challenge, and group activities that foster team spirit and church loyalty. We aim to meet junior and teen youth's social, physical, mental, and spiritual developmental needs.

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Every summer, the Gurnee church offers fun and creative methods of teaching Christ-like values and relationship-building skills. It is an excellent outreach tool into the community—inviting those who do not usually attend church to get involved and build relationships with others and Jesus Christ.

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Women's Ministries' heart is to uphold, encourage, and challenge women in their journey with Christ. Through Bible studies, prayer meetings, mentorship, and special events, they want to build a strong-knit community where women have a safe space to address their spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs.

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The Youth Ministry strives to create an environment that embraces every young person. We hope our spiritual programs and recreational activities foster a warm environment for our peers to feel they belong. We believe we can create avenues that lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them find their purpose and place in God’s service.

51.png |  847-623-7770  | 2190 Fuller Rd, Gurnee IL 60031
Gurnee Seventh-day Adventist Church 2024
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